Sunday, December 6, 2009

Quick Update

My dad took my mom to the hospital Thursday night because she was really sick. Long story short: She has Ischemic Bowel and colitis maybe they are the same thing, I am not sure. A part of the inside of her bowel started to die and it started sluffing off. Not sluffing as in what my dad did in school, but sluffing as in shedding. She has to stay in the hospital until she can eat solid foods, get her red blood cell count back up and keep her temperature down. Monday is the expected release date but until her red blood cells show that there is no more bleeding she stays. It is extremely painful and she hasn't had fun, but it could've been a lot worse so we are grateful for the small miracles!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


On November 4 my whole family went to Disneyland. It consisted of 2 parents, 2 brothers, 3 sisters, 1 aunt, my husband, my 4 kids, 5 nieces, 3 nephews, 2 cousins and me. It was a lot of fun! We went to the beach on Thursday, Disneyland and California Adventure on Friday and Saturday, Legoland on Sunday and home on Monday.

Things came together so quickly, it seemed like a last minute trip. Rhondelle decided to come like 2 days before we left and we had a great time. My boys rode all the rides. Tate was a daredevil and went on Tower of Terror and California Screamer twice. Tayla went to Splash Mountain and screamed the whole time. She was hysterical by the time it was over. After that her and I rode the girly rides over and over. Ty was just happy to be there and wanted to try everything once, Splash Mountain he rode again and again and again..... Tori just loved being with everybody and riding in the stroller.

The weather was beautiful, we hardly needed jackets during the day. When we left California we were all still nice to each other, so that was a definite success! Thanks Ron and Brit for coming up with the idea! I might post pictures and I might not! You will just have to wait and see!! If there are letters missing in my post, I am using an awesome computer that sometimes doesnt type right!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


We spent a lot of time in Salt Lake "helping" Jade. Tate wanted all his cousins to see him on the internet working. Ty loved being in the tractor. You can tell who rules, the one on the bed!

Ty, Tayla, Tate and Tori playing in the rain. Jade caught a snake for the kids.

Tayla thought it was gross. We went to the zoo with Nana Conrad.

We had lunch at Harmon's grocery store! It was fun until all 4 spilled something.

The boys played baseball, the girls watched. Ty is serious about sports but Tate was making friends with the opposing team, twirling around and practicing gymnastics.

The boys tried to teach Tayla about sports, she's not interested. Tori hates dresses. I took a picture because she ripped it off and now she starts yelling when she sees anything fluffy.
This was a random trip we took. We started in Kolob and ended spending the night in Kanab, Utah, yeehaw!! Obviously Tori loves chapstick!

We have been busy, things have been crazy, and it is time to get back to blogging!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Soccer had come and gone just in time for baseball to start. I am not looking forward to having to watch baseball games in 100 degree weather. I am excited to see Tate play t-ball and Ty playing pee-wee! It will be exciting.

Jade is mostly out of town lately. Last week he came in town and we took off on a last minute trip, we didn't pack hardly anything and we took off. We went to Kolob mountain and it was freezing and raining and the fish weren't biting. So we headed to Zions then Kanab, back to Zions and on to my pareents in time for Sunday dinner! It was awesome!
Jade's parents came down the weekend before last and it was a nice break. Jade was on a two weeker trip to Logan so it was so nice that their Nana and Pa came anyways! Thank you!
My parents have been great to help me out. My house is a mess so I hang out over there all day!! I have been doing a lot at Tate and Tayla's preschool and they have helped with Tori tons. I also had a chance to go with Ty on his field trip to Snow Canyon. Man it totally kicked mybutt hiking with a bunch of first graders! I am glad they asked me to go!

I am now going to try and post a few pictures. If none show up them I got mad and shut my computer off without them!

Memorable Conversation

Tayla: When I am a big girl will I get a big butt? When you were a little girl did you have a little butt?

Friday, April 3, 2009

It is Friday!

I promise I will do pictures soon. We have had a lot of firsts in the last month! Ty lost his first tooth and had his first soccer game. That is right, I am an official soccer mom! All my dreams have almost come true, soccer mom, mini van, townhouse and no garage!!
Tayla started dance this week. I figured if she was brave enough to dance around Target when we shopped she should be dancing with other little girls. She was so excited because there were no boys in her class.
Tate had his first breathing treatment last week! We are now proud renters of a nebulizer! He has not been able to breathe at night so we rented a machine and it is a good thing cause I would have been spending time in the hospital without it.
Tori had her first friend over yesterday. I watched the neighbor that is her age yesterday and she was very nice to him. They shared crackers and toys, she did not hit or attack him in any way. She was nicer to Damian than her own sister.
I had my first birthday without Jade since getting married. My mom came over at 8 AM and brought donuts and balloons. Then we went out to dinner with them and Liz and her girls, Rob and Holly and kids and Mason. It was crazy.

Monday, March 23, 2009

We made it!!

Spring break has come to an end in Sunny St.George and all my children survived! Jade has been working out of town so we went up there last weekend. I left Monday morning because I didn't feel good and the kids were coughing. All four of them have been sick, but they are better now, right?
I have this friend, I won't mention her name, she recommended that I read the Ugly series by Scott Westerfeld. So what do I do, I start reading and can't stop. Umm I have this friend named Angie that likes to read. So it was some pretty good reading. Now I need to read a book that is not a series.
Between reading, Jade being out of town, sick kids not sleeping, me not sleeping because sick kids aren't sleeping things have been crazy. Megan is doing good. She gets bored sitting in her room all day and it is hard for her to be a mom when her incision is still oozing and her leg doesn't work, but she had become friends with her home health nurse and her physical therapist! That is kind of sad when that is all you see, and me of course. What do you get when you put a nurse, a physical therapist and Randi all in one room? I don't know, but it is scary!
I hope to update again this week and I will include pictures next time! Maybe?!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What happens in Vegas!

So there is this long story about Jade and I needing to pick a car up for Thad that was in an impound lot in North Las Vegas. I like Vegas, North Las Vegas, has some pretty scary parts in it. I decided to pack of cooler of drinks, a bag of fruit snacks and peanut M&M's for our 6 hour excursion to Vegas and back. 2 hours there, an hour to get the car and 2 hours to get back.

I said a prayer while we were driving that everything would go smoothly, so off we go!!!

The DVD player in the van is stuck so we can only we watch Speed Racer, so I have listened to that at least 5 times this last month. We find the inpound lot without a lot of problems. We pull up and there is nowhere to park but a poorly marked handicapped spot. Imagine if you will the secretary at Monsters Inc., this is what she sounded like "Do you have a handicapped sticker? You need to move." So about an hour later they dig the Maserati out of the middle of the lot. It was having a problem shifting so all of a sudden Jade takes off and is gone. So I buckle in the kids and try to follow him.
There was traffic on the freeway which was good because the car kept stalling. Jade takes an exit and ends up at the old American Stone building. No big deal, we wired the new American Stone building with phones, so we knew the owners so it would be ok. The car will not shift anymore so Jade is reading the manual trying to figure out what to do.
I let the kids out to run because we were on a mostly deserted street. Oh, across the street from us was the Pussycats strip lounge! Pretty soon Tate and Ty are laughing like crazy and Tate's shirt is wet and I hear "Mom I was peeing so high it got all over my shirt. It was awesome." No big deal, it will dry and we will be home soon.
About 2 hours later we take off for Jack in the Box to get some food. The kids have been great and had juice boxes and fruit snacks. As were are leaving Jack in the Box there is a guy outside with two huge dogs. One dog projectile vomits on my pants and shoes! Alright, this is funny. I get in the van and Jade is mad at me because he thought I spilled his lemonade all over. No, it was dog puke!
Come to find out, the car broke down about a mile away from the only Maserati shop in the state of Nevada. We raced to the place before it closed, they called a tow truck and we waited with a man named George. It was like 10 p.m. by now and we got it to the shop and he says "Oh, by the way, we are closed for the night." So it is off to Circus Circus we go. I drop Jade off to check in and Tayla says "I really have to pee." By the time she told me she was already bouncing up and down trying not to pee. I grabbed a cup ripped her pants down as she started to pee in the van. She missed the cup and peed on her pants!
Here is a recap 1. Tate peed on his shirt 2. Tayla peed on her pants 3. Ty won't pee because he wants to pee in a toilet 4. Tori has already pooped twice!
We ordered a pizza and threw the kids in the tub. I washed peed on clothes in the sink with a bar of soap and turned the heater up to dry the clothes. They were all dry in the morning, thank goodness. We got a call at 9 in the morning that the car would take at least a week to fix!
Now Robert and I were talking and he said "You know you are on the right dose of medication when a dog pukes on you and you laugh about it."
Believe it or not I saw the Lord's hand in so many ways, I am going to list them quickly.
1. Jade and I both charged our phones the night before.
2. That car was broke and shouldn't have made it out of the lot. But we made it to a "safe" part of Vegas.
3. I had a stack of diapers in the van that I kept forgetting to take to my Mom's house.
4. I packed a cooler although I thought I was being crazy.
5. Seriously a mile away from the only Maserati dealership in Nevada.
6. My kids were so nice and good.
7. Ty came up with a nice dance move and says"We're in Vegas baby."
I have been working on this post for two weeks so I am posting as is, sorry for the typos and the inability to make my words flow!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I am going to be doing an order of MaryKay. If you want anything then let me know. If I have enough to place the order by the first week of February then I will give everbody 15% off, wait, that is too much math, 20% off is easier to figure, double the tithing, right?! You can e-mail call or just comment on my blog!!

Be Happy!

Jade has mostly been working out of town again so I am finding myself torn between what I want to do, need to do and should do! You all understand! Do I use Facebook, update my blog or work on my stake extraction? Do I sleep when my kids are sleeping or stay up playing spider solitaire? The answers to these questions are going to change the world one day!!
Jade is home for the week and then he will be going to Logan next week. We are so greatful for the work that it is hard to complain, oh wait, no I can complain just fine!! Just call me and I can complain all day!
My friend Liz and I went out the other night, as both our husbands are out of town and her kids are old enough to watch mine for free!!!! We sat down and Elder Holland sat down at the table next to us! Liz was trying to sneak a picture so I asked his wife if we could take a picture. They were so nice. It was so peaceful and awesome. He was so human but so neat! We talked a little about work and little things. As we were leaving his advice was "Be happy." How much simpler could it be, especially when things are so crazy, "Be Happy!"

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Morning

Tayla was pretending to be asleep so Santa would come. We had the Haycock's over for Christmas Eve. The kids finally got to make the Gingerbread house I got them. Well the oldest three made it, Tori ate it!

We had a fantastic Christmas and I want to thank all the Santa's that blessed us this year!