Monday, January 26, 2009

Be Happy!

Jade has mostly been working out of town again so I am finding myself torn between what I want to do, need to do and should do! You all understand! Do I use Facebook, update my blog or work on my stake extraction? Do I sleep when my kids are sleeping or stay up playing spider solitaire? The answers to these questions are going to change the world one day!!
Jade is home for the week and then he will be going to Logan next week. We are so greatful for the work that it is hard to complain, oh wait, no I can complain just fine!! Just call me and I can complain all day!
My friend Liz and I went out the other night, as both our husbands are out of town and her kids are old enough to watch mine for free!!!! We sat down and Elder Holland sat down at the table next to us! Liz was trying to sneak a picture so I asked his wife if we could take a picture. They were so nice. It was so peaceful and awesome. He was so human but so neat! We talked a little about work and little things. As we were leaving his advice was "Be happy." How much simpler could it be, especially when things are so crazy, "Be Happy!"


Angie said...

That is so cool, but where's the picture? How fun that he gave you guys some advice.

You're pictures on the stairs make me miss my townhome.

Binny said...

That is really cool. and a good thing for me to remember as I am having a hard time right now as well. The pictures are soo cute. Your kids are so big, isn't it crazy how fast they grow?

Lynnette said...

What a neat experience!

Leavitt Family said...

I am sooooo sorry that we never got together when I was there!!! My kids and I got sick again go figure huh!!! So next time we come and we don't get sick knock on wood I will totally call you!!! Your kids are darling and getting so big!!